Volts / Watts / Amps Converter
How to use this tool:
Watts = Amps x Volts
Watts is also known as volt-amps and is typically used in conjunction with AC power circuits. Fill in any of the two fields to find the value of the third.
Example 1
You have a 12 Volt power supply that delivers 1 Amp of current. Fill in the Volts and Amps fields to find the Watts.
Example 2
The AC24-40 power supply is a 24V AC power supply that can power up to 40 VA.
- Enter 24 under volts
- Enter 40 under watts
- Click calculate
- You get 1.66 in this example.
Thus, the AC24-40 can supply up to 1.6 Amps at 24V AC.